Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not part of 365 but had to share

My birthday cards from my 2 oldest daughters. It is a homeschooling mother's pride and joy when her "student" child let's her know just how much they know!!! Abrie is my just turned 5 yr old. She is a I will let you know when I'm good and ready... She wrote her card to me ALL by herself!!!!! We had been working on her name and a few other letters, but I had no idea she knew this many! Kyra has been reading and writing for a few years, hers is sooo sweet!!!!


  1. Awe! Sweet! Treasures to keep!

  2. Yes I was told I HAVE to keep them... Not that I would throw them away, but they were proud of them! :)

  3. Those are so sweet and such treasures... I got some of those on Saturday. I love it when my four year old does it. She has these great scribbles and a long story of words to tell me what she wrote.

  4. Aww what a beautiful treasure!
    Those are the best gift a mother can receive!!!
    iLuv it....♥♥♥
